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Лес Котов - Воителей!
Об игре::На этом форуме четыре племени:Грозовое,Речное,Ветра и Сумрачное!У каждого есть свой предводитель,глашатай,целитель,воины,ученики...Все они верят в Звездное племя!И ты можешь стать одним из них!Племена ждут тебя,кот!
Погода: Начало осени.На улице прохладно,дует холодный ветер.Пасмурно.

Администраторы:Звездуница,Darkness,Звезда,Падшая Звезда,Toraki Star и Саске.
Звёздный Кристалл и Снежана.

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Объявления: Целители лесных племен,собирайте травы на зиму!

Лес Котов - Воителей! New history!


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Warriors Field Guide( Коты- Воители. Путеводитель)

Secrets of the Clans(Секреты кланов)

Now the truth can be revealed

Look within to find:
The mystical origins and secret legends of the Clans.
An insiders' tour of the Clan camps and territories.
The histories and characters of each Clan, and information about their leaders and medicine cats.
Knowledge of cats outside the Clans.
The tenets of the warrior code.
Prophecies and omens, and how they have been fulfilled.
And many more truths about the secrets, beliefs, and daily lives of the cats of the Clans.

Глава первая.

История кланов.

Many moons ago, the forest was a wilderness, untamed by territories. In the north lay sweeping moorland; in the south was dense woodland. On the edge of the trees, a tumbling river flowed out of a dark ravine.
Cats came into the forest. They were drawn by the soft rustlings of small creatures, shadows under the water, and the sudden commotion of birds' wings in the trees. These were not warrior cats. They lived in small groups, not yet Clans. There were no borders set down. And they fought constantly, fearful that prey might run out and that their overlapping territories were being threatened.
It was a lawless, bloody time for the forest, and many cats died.
One night, when the moon was full, the cats agreed to meet at a clearing in the forest surrounded by four great oak trees. They argued over stolen prey. Claws flashed; challenging yowls rang across the forest. A terrible battle followed, and soon the ground was wet with spilled blood.
Many cats died that night. Exhausted by their wounds, the survivors slept where they had fought. When they woke they were bathed in moonlight. All around them they saw the spirits of their slain kin, no longer torn and bloodied but shining like fallen stars. They huddled on the ground, and, as the spirits spoke, they saw terrible visions of the future. They saw the forest drowned in blood, their kits stalked by death at every pawstep. And they knew that the fighting had to end.
"Unite or die," said the spirits.
From among the living cats, a black female was the first to speak. She rose from the ground on stiff, battle-wearied legs. "My name is Shadow," she mewed. "How should we unite, unless we have a leader? I can hunt in the depths of the darkest night. Let Shadow rule the forest!"
"And you would lead us into darkness too!" meowed a silvery gray tom with green eyes. "I am River! I move through the forest along secret paths and hidden places. It is River, not Shadow, who should unite the forest!"
"The forest is more than River and Shadow," growled a wiry brown female. "Wind alone reaches its distant corners. I am as fast as the wind that blows from the high moors. I should be the ruler."
The largest surviving cat was called Thunder. He was a fiery orange tom with amber eyes and large white paws. "What good is any of that compared to my strength and skill at hunting? If any cat was born to rule, it is I."
A furious yowling broke out under the four great oaks, watched in silence by the spirit-cats. Dark clouds suddenly blew across the moon, and the living cats trembled in fear. On the top of a high rock, they saw a tabby cat, one of the fallen, her fur shining though there was no light in the sky. Her eyes flashed angrily at the cats on the ground.
"You are all as foolish as ducks!" she meowed. "Can't you think beyond yourselves for one moment? Think of your kits!"
The four cats—Shadow, River, Wind, and Thunder—looked up at the tabby, but none of them spoke.
"The forest is big enough to feed all your families and many more," she meowed. "You must find other cats like you, choose a home in the forest, and set down borders."
At that moment, the moon broke free of the clouds, revealing a circle of starlit spirit-cats around the edge of the clearing. A white tom stepped forward. "If you do this," he meowed, "we will reward you with eight more lives, so that you may lead your Clans for many moons to come."
Next to speak was a slender tortoiseshell. She stepped forward and stood beside the white tom. "We will watch over you from Silverpelt," she promised, and lifted her eyes to the crowded path of stars that swept across the night sky. "We will visit you in your dreams and guide you on your journeys."
"Once a month," meowed the white tom, "at the full moon, you will gather together here, between the four great oak trees, for a night of truce. You will see us above you in Silverpelt and know we are watching. And if blood is spilled on those nights, you will know we are angry."
"You will be warriors!" yowled the tabby from the high rock.
Thunder, River, Wind, and Shadow bowed their heads.
"From now on, you will live by a warrior code. Your hearts will be filled with courage and nobility, and if you must fight, it will be not for greed, but for honor and justice."
There was a long silence. Finally Thunder nodded his broad orange head. "This is wise advice. I believe we can choose our territories and lay down borders fairly, in peace."
One by one, the other cats murmured their agreement. Then they returned to their homes and sought out cats like themselves, with similar strengths and abilities. River found cats willing to fish for their prey. Shadow gathered nighttime hunters with clever minds and sharp claws. Thunder found hunters who could track prey through the thickest undergrowth. To Wind came the fastest runners and cats who loved the open moors. Then they divided the forest so each Clan had enough prey to survive, and all the cats could live in safety. And when the leaders returned to the four great oaks for the first night of the full-moon truce, their starry ancestors gave them eight more lives, as they had promised.
There was not always peace between the Clans, but that was to be expected—cats are born with claws and teeth for a reason. Still, as long as they lived by the warrior code, their fallen ancestors would watch over them and guide them through their lives.
And so the age of the warrior Clans began.

Warriors: The Lost Warrior(Коты- Воители. Потеряный воин)

by Erin Hunter

When the Twolegs destroy the warrior Clans' forest home, Graystripe—second in command of ThunderClan—is captured trying to help his comrades escape! Trapped in the pampered life of a kittypet, Graystripe has all the food and shelter he needs from his affectionate Twoleg family, but this is not the way he wants to live. The forest is calling him, and he never stops longing to go home. When he makes friends with a feisty kittypet named Millie, she encourages him to go in search of his lost friends. But will Graystripe ever find his way back to the Clan?

Warriors Super Edition: Firestar's Quest

by Erin Hunter, illustrated by Gary Chalk

There is peace at last between the warrior Clans, and Firestar is proud of the strength and unity of the cats he leads in ThunderClan. All four forest Clans are thriving, training new warriors and keeping their boundaries without conflict.
But Firestar's dreams are haunted by wailing cats fleeing a terrible disaster. With unexpected help from an old kittypet friend, he discovers a shocking secret: StarClan, the warrior ancestors who guide his paw steps, have lied to him.
Firestar is faced with the hardest decision of his life. Can he really turn his back on the forest that has become his home and embark on a perilous quest to discover a dark truth—one that has been buried beyond the memory of living cats? Whatever he finds at the end of his journey, he knows that nothing can ever be the same again.

Список книг котов- воителей.


Into the Wild
Fire and Ice
Forest of Secrets
Rising Storm
A Dangerous Path
The Darkest Hour

Warriors: The New Prophecy


Warriors: Manga

The Lost Warrior

Warriors: The Power of Three

The Sight
Dark River- not out in stores yet

Warriors: Extra

Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans

Источник информации: http://amazon.com Книги имеюстя только на английском, когда выйдут в России неизвестно.

Это- английская обложка книги одной из "Силы Трёх". В англии она выйдет 26 декабря.

Отредактировано Уголёк (2007-09-21 16:34:05)



:rofl:  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  :P  :P  :unsure:  :P новаи книги вышли: "знак трёх" , "тёмная река", "отверженный" :cool:  :yep:  :flag:  :flag:  :flag:  :flag:   :flag:  :flag:  :D  :)  :jumping:  :jumping:  :jumping:  :jumping:  :rofl:  :rofl:



ура!!!а я только на второй книги просто раньше читала а щас по 2 разу


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